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Fostering research and innovation in Europe

EU Commission Vice-President Henna Virkkunen visits ICFO

ICFO’s Mir-Puig Building

an infrastructure vital to ICFO’s research programs and collaborations

Celebrating Women in Science Month

presenting a wide range of voices and perspectives of women working in STEM related fields

European pilot line of photonic chips

PIXEurope will be coordinated at the continental level by ICFO

Become an ICFOnian

Discover all the ways you can contribute to a high impact research community



Selected Videos


New Catalyst Unveils the Hidden Power of Water for Green Hydrogen Generation

QUIONE: The birth of a unique analog quantum processor in the world

Photons as neurotransmitters to control the activity of neurons

A new universal light-based technique to control the inner properties of materials

Research at ICFO

Take a “Quantum Tour” (  and learn about Entanglement, quantum technologies, and more