
COSINGO-Imagine Optic Spain S.L. set up house at ICFO’s incubator in 2008, offering expertise in photonics for the implementation of innovative solutions. The tech SME provides optical and mechatronic engineering to develop custom prototypes, industrial partnership in the framework of collaborative R&D projects. COSINGO commercializes wavefront sensing and adaptive optics solutions to enhance optical systems quality in astronomy, bio-imaging, laser or visual sciences applications.
Rafaël Porcar Guezenec, founder and business manager of COSINGO, is engineer in optronic from the University of Paris XI (France). He worked during 7 years as project engineer and project manager at Imagine Optic, in the development of optical metrology solutions for science and industry customers such as ESA, Areva, Sagem, Essilor.
Based on his expertise, he gathered an experienced team and created COSINGO to provide Spain and Latin America with complete custom solutions based on photonics.

CASAO-adaptive optics command & control software

ILAO-Mechanical Deformable Mirror for Intense Laser Adaptive Optics

Signature of the “National Instruments Incubator Program”: from left to right, Rafael Porcar (Business manager at COSINGO), Carlos Rios (Director of NATIONAL INTRUMENTS Spain), Francesc (Paco) Solé (former UPC Director), Silvia Carrasco (ICFO KTT Director)

AOSOM-Adaptive Optics System for Sectionning Optical microscopy, awarded by NEXPRESSO initiative (by EPIC, FP7)

HASO3-Shack Hartmann wavefront sensor