IT Resources

Eduroam is an initiative launched by TERENA that facilitates the mobility of European researchers and students by offering them connectivity when they travel. Users of the institutions that are Eduroam members thus have access to the Internet via the networks of the other participating institutions, which are mainly wireless.
The users’ connection to the network of the institution they are visiting is similar to the connection they would have at their own institution: the user name and the password needed to log on are the same as those they use at the home institution, the only possible difference being the way the network is accessed.
Acces Methods
From their personal computers with WiFi connectivity, visitors to ICFO are able to access various electronic services and resources, including a connection to the Internet.
In ICFO this connection is established through a wireless network using 802.1x access.
In order to log on, you’ll use your home institution credentials, user name (including the domain) and password. E.g.: . If you are an ICFOnian, please use the Eduroam Configuration Assistant Tool to download a specifically taylored profile for your device, or check ICFO’s intranet if your device is not supported by the tool and you need more details.
You will have access to the following services:
• Web access: HTTP, HTTPS
• VPN: IPsec, PPTP
The Eduroam network can be accessed from anywhere in the ICFO building, except in laboratories. Meeting rooms and offices are covered.
In case of a problem, you need to determine first what’s wrong. Depending on the nature of the problem you’ll need to contact the local IT services, or your home institution’s IT
- If your device can’t find the Eduroam network, it might be some peculiarity of (or a problem with) the local system. In that case, try to get some help from the local IT team.
- If the problem instead is with connecting to the Eduroam network, you are to contact your home institution’s IT. (If you’re an ICFOnian, contact ICFO’s IT team: IT (at), +34-935534024).
- If you are a visitor from another institution, your device sees the “Eduroam” SSID, but you’re having trouble in connecting, please contact your home institution.