Academic Affairs

Training of the next generation of scientists and technologist is part of ICFO’s founding mission, and PhD students and post-doctoral researchers continue to be the institute’s most valued assets
The Academic Affairs team manages the institute’s training and development program, providing the academic and personal support for students and researchers to ensure a productive and fulfilling experience at ICFO and prepare them a future career in academia or industry.
Bringing together the expertise of ICFO’s faculty as well as external collaborators and trainers, the Academic Affairs team coordinates an offering of wide-scope scientific and technical training, personal and career development, and regular schools, workshops, and training events.
The team is responsible for establishing strategic alliances and collaborations with academic partners, manages the flagship PhD in Photonics program in partnership within the Doctoral School of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya • Barcelona Tech (UPC), and coordinates ICFO’s participation in local Masters programs and internship opportunities for undergraduate and master students considering a career in research.