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Skills Training > Resilience and Well-Being
9 de novembre 2021
FOCUS: MENTAL HEALTH The Philosophy of Alpinism

Hora: Des de 11:00h a 12:00h

Lloc: ICFO Auditorium

FOCUS: MENTAL HEALTH The Philosophy of Alpinism


Uncertainty, fear, loneliness, team, peace, stress... alpinism is the world one step up from the world, where basic logic does not work. That level where we cannot fail because our failure would represent our end. Managing every second of our life in the right way makes us an essential part of our universe, transforming us in the evolution time line towards success.

The difficult part isn’t making dreams come true, but daring to dream. Success and failure are simply parts of the same creative process.


Seminar, November 9, 2021, 11:00. ICFO Auditorium

Hosted by HRE
Skills Training > Resilience and Well-Being
9 de novembre 2021
FOCUS: MENTAL HEALTH The Philosophy of Alpinism

Hora: Des de 11:00h a 12:00h

Lloc: ICFO Auditorium

FOCUS: MENTAL HEALTH The Philosophy of Alpinism


Uncertainty, fear, loneliness, team, peace, stress... alpinism is the world one step up from the world, where basic logic does not work. That level where we cannot fail because our failure would represent our end. Managing every second of our life in the right way makes us an essential part of our universe, transforming us in the evolution time line towards success.

The difficult part isn’t making dreams come true, but daring to dream. Success and failure are simply parts of the same creative process.


Seminar, November 9, 2021, 11:00. ICFO Auditorium

Hosted by HRE

All Skills Training