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Prof. Antonio Acín
Prof. Antonio Acín

Prof. Antonio Acín, Awarded an ERC Starting Grant

One of the prestigious grants for top researchers goes to ICFO's group leader.

July 28, 2008
Prof. Antonio Acín has been awarded a Starting Grant by the European Research Council (ERC). He is one of the 431 scientists that have passed the quality threshold in a selection procedure that involved over 9000 researchers in Europe. The grant has been assigned for the PERCENT (Percolating Entanglement and Quantum Information Resources through Quantum Networks) Project.

The European Research Council is a new research funding body created under the EU's 7th Framework Programme for Research. This year it has assigned the first Starting Grants designed to boost the careers of researchers, who may be working in any area of science or scholarship, at the time they are establishing themselves as independent research leaders. The successful candidates represent over 30 nationalities and are based in some 170 host institutions in 21 different countries.