Nous ICFOnians
Trenta-cinc ICFOnians s’han unit als diferents grups de recerca, unitats i instal·lacions de l'ICFO durant els mesos d'agost i setembre
En els anys des de la fundació de l'ICFO el 2002, l'institut ha evolucionat contínuament per abordar una àmplia gamma de reptes apassionants. Això ha estat possible gràcies a les contribucions d'un grup divers de dones i homes que han pujat a bord per a afegir les seves habilitats úniques als nous i actuals projectes de l’ICFO.
A l'agost i setembre, trenta-cinc ICFOnians es van incorporar o van prendre una nova posició a l'institut. Estem desitjant formar equip amb vosaltres.
Heba Abdelmaksoud joined the Functional Optoelectronic Nanomaterials group led by ICREA professor at ICFO Dr. Gerasimos Konstantatos as a Visiting Scientist.
Belen Albela joined the Functional Optoelectronic Nanomaterials group led by ICREA professor at ICFO Dr. Gerasimos Konstantatos as a Visiting Professor.
Iñaki Barettini joined the KTT ked by Dr, Silvia Carrasco as a Quantum Technologies Business Developer.
Luca Bolzonello is now a Staff Researcher in the Molecular Nanophotonics group led by ICREA professor at ICFO Dr. Niek van Hulst.
Guillermo Brinatti is now a Research the Molecular Nanophotonics group led by ICREA professor at ICFO Dr. Niek van Hulst.
Júlia Cajas Granja is now working with the management unit to offer project management support. (not pictured)
Tengyu Chen joined the CO2 Mitigation Accelerated by Photons group led by Prof. Dr. F. Pelayo García de Arquer as a PhD student.
Yaotong Chen has joined the Macroscopic Quantum Optics Theory group ed by ICREA professor and director of ICFO, Dr. Oriol Romero-Isart as a Postdoctoral researcher.
Katharina Chirvi joined he Attoscience and Ultrafast Optics group led by ICREA professor at ICFO Dr. Jens Biegert as a Research Fellow.
Marina Cunquero, who recently defended her thesis in the SLN group led by Dr, Pablo Loza-Alvarez, will carry out further researcher as a postdoctoral researcher.
Timon Damböck joined the Atomic Quantum Optics group led by ICREA professor at ICFO Dr. Morgan Mitchell as a student. (not pictured)
Albert de Miguel joined the KTT unit as a student. (not pictured)
Martin Fernandez joined the Neurophotonics and Mechanical Systems Biology group led by Prof. Dr. Michael Krieg as a PhD student.
Claudio Fierri joined the Quantum Information Theory group led by ICREA Professor at ICFO Dr. Antonio Acín as a student.
Jorge Fuenzalida joined the Optoelectronics research group led by ICREA professor at ICFO Dr. Valerio Pruneri as a Postdoctoral researcher.
Manuel Gundín joined the Quantum Photonics with Solids and Atoms group led by ICREA professor at ICFO Dr. Hugues de Riedmatten as a Postdoctoral researcher.
Ediz Herkert, who recently defended his thesis in the Single Molecule Biophotonics group, has recently started a position as a postdoctoral research in the Molecular Nanophotonics group led by ICREA professor at ICFO Dr. Niek van Hulst.
David Kernan joined the CO2 Mitigation Accelerated by Photons group led by Prof. Dr. F. Pelayo García de Arquer as a Project Engineer.
Ekaterina Khestanova changed roles in the Quantum Nano-Optoelectronics group led by ICREA professor at ICFO Prof. Frank Koppens and is now a Research Fellow.
Debranjan Mandal has changed roles in the Optoelectronic Nanomaterials group led by ICREA professor at ICFO Dr. Gerasimos Konstantatos and is now a Research Fellow.
Charlie Ray Mann has taken on the role of Research Fellows in the Theoretical Quantum-Nano Photonics group led by ICREA professor at ICFO Dr. Darrick Chang.
Alejandro Martín has joined the STM on 2D quantum materials group led by Prof. Dr. Carmen Rubio-Verdú as a PhD student.
Marta Martos joined the Optoelectronic Nanomaterials group led by ICREA professor at ICFO Dr. Gerasimos Konstantatos as a PhD student.
Teri Odom has joined the Nanophotonics Theory group led by ICREA professor at ICFO dr. Javier García de Abajo as a Visiting Scientist.
Lucheng Pen has take on the role of Research Fellow in the Optoelectronic Nanomaterials group led by ICREA professor at ICFO Dr. Gerasimos Konstantatos.
Tamar Pereg-Barnea has joined the Quantum Optics Theory group led by ICREA professor at ICFO Dr. Maciej Lewenstein as a Visiting Scientist.
Emilio Pérez has joined the Molecular Nanophotonics group led by ICREA professor at ICFO Dr. Niek van Hulst ads a PhD student. (not pictured)
Paula Pertegaz joined the Photon Harvesting in Plants and Biomolecules group led by Prof. Dr. Nicoletta Liguori as a student.
Claudia Roman joined the Photon Harvesting in Plants and Biomolecules group led by Prof. Dr. Nicoletta Liguori as a student.
Ana Sánchez-Ferrón joined the Photon Harvesting in Plants and Biomolecules group led by Prof. Dr. Nicoletta Liguori as a student.
Zoi Sargianni joined the Atomic Quantum Optics group led by ICREA professor at ICFO Dr. Morgan Mitchell as a student.
Mariia Shevchenko joined the Optoelectronic Nanomaterials group led by ICREA professor at ICFO Dr. Gerasimos Konstantatos as a PhD student.
Bertrán Soria joined the Atomic Quantum Optics group led by ICREA professor at ICFO Dr. Morgan Mitchell as a PhD student.
Ariane Stucki joined the CO2 Mitigation Accelerated by Photons group led by Prof. Dr. F. Pelayo García de Arquer as a Project Engineer.
Kaiqi Zhao joined the CO2 Mitigation Accelerated by Photons group led by Prof. Dr. F. Pelayo García de Arquer as a Postdoctoral researcher.