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July 7, 2008
HRVOJE PETEK 'Probing and control of ultrafast electron dynamics in metals by ultrafast nonlinear photoemission spectroscopy and microscopy'

HRVOJE PETEK 'Probing and control of ultrafast electron dynamics in metals by ultrafast nonlinear photoemission spectroscopy and microscopy'

Prof. HRVOJE PETEK Department of Physics and Astronomy Co-Dire
Seminar, July 7th, 12:00. Seminar Room
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Petersen Institute of NanoScience and Engineering
Editor-in-Chief, Progress in Surface Science
University of Pittsburgh
Excitation of a metal surface by ultrafast near UV femtosecond laser pulses can drive multiphoton transitions through the single particle and collective excitation modes. Time-resolved photoemission spectroscopy on noble metal surfaces reveals the different excitation pathways that lead to 2-4 photon transitions. By controlling the phase between the identical pump and probe pulses, we can demonstrate coherent control of the multiphoton excitation process. Specifically, we demonstrate the coherent control of spin polarization in copper by the selective excitation of the spin-orbit split d-bands. Furthermore, with a photoemission electron microscope, we image the surface plasmon dynamics in silver metal films. By fabricating simple surface plasmon coupling structures, we study a variety of plasmon optical elements.

Seminar, 7th of July, 12:00h. Conference Room

Hosted by Prof. Niek van Hulst
July 7, 2008
HRVOJE PETEK 'Probing and control of ultrafast electron dynamics in metals by ultrafast nonlinear photoemission spectroscopy and microscopy'

HRVOJE PETEK 'Probing and control of ultrafast electron dynamics in metals by ultrafast nonlinear photoemission spectroscopy and microscopy'

Prof. HRVOJE PETEK Department of Physics and Astronomy Co-Dire
Seminar, July 7th, 12:00. Seminar Room
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Petersen Institute of NanoScience and Engineering
Editor-in-Chief, Progress in Surface Science
University of Pittsburgh
Excitation of a metal surface by ultrafast near UV femtosecond laser pulses can drive multiphoton transitions through the single particle and collective excitation modes. Time-resolved photoemission spectroscopy on noble metal surfaces reveals the different excitation pathways that lead to 2-4 photon transitions. By controlling the phase between the identical pump and probe pulses, we can demonstrate coherent control of the multiphoton excitation process. Specifically, we demonstrate the coherent control of spin polarization in copper by the selective excitation of the spin-orbit split d-bands. Furthermore, with a photoemission electron microscope, we image the surface plasmon dynamics in silver metal films. By fabricating simple surface plasmon coupling structures, we study a variety of plasmon optical elements.

Seminar, 7th of July, 12:00h. Conference Room

Hosted by Prof. Niek van Hulst