All day
Place: CFATA. Querétaro, Mexico
Niek van Hulst (ICFO)
Following study in Astronomy and Physics, I obtained my PhD (1986) in Molecular & Laser-Physics at University of Nijmegen (NL), on microwave-laser double resonance molecular-beam spectroscopy. After research in non-linear optics of organic materials, integrated optics, atomic force and near-field optical microscopy, since 1997 full Professor at MESA+ Institute for NanoTechnology, Univ. Twente (NL) with focus on single molecule detection and scanning probe technology. In 2005, attracted by the Catalan quality-based science policy, I started as ICREA Research Professor and senior group leader at ICFO - the Institute of Photonic Sciences, within The Barcelona Institute of Science & Technology; I was Head Academic Programs, now chair at ICFO NanoFabrication Laboratory. Recipient of 2003 Körber European Science Award, 2010 City of Barcelona Prize; 2017 European Physical Society Prize; ERC Advanced Grants in 2010, 2015 and 2021.
My current interest is to control light interaction at the nanometer scale. To this end, my group specializes on optical antennas, with nanoscale hot spots, and on coherent control schemes to command light on the "femto-nano" scale. We study individual molecules, quantum dots and single proteins, in strong interaction with nanoantenna-cavities and sub-10-fs pulses; controlling excitation-emission rates, direction, spectra, polarization, single photon character. We focus particularly on transport and coupling in single light-harvesting antenna complexes at native conditions, to unravel the efficiency and robustness of energy conversion in such natural molecular antennas.
Keynote Lecture: "Nature and photosynthesis: lessons for physicists"
The conversion of sunlight photons to electrons is the essence of the natural photosynthesis that powers life. Dedicated antennas funnel the sun’s energy towards reaction centres. Amazingly, nature reaches almost perfect photon-to-electron conversion efficiency, while it regulates down at high light level for protection and survival. We can learn of lot of the design of nature. However, how does nature dynamically re-organize the membrane architecture, its packing, order, diffusion, on light stress? Which pathways are taken to charge separation? What is the role of fluctuations, coherences, color and vibrations? Here I’ll present my attempts as a physicist to develop nanoscale ultrafast imaging tools, to visualize the dynamic light-response of the lightharvesting membrane architecture, the changes in packing density, the (dis)order, the diffusion, and the pathways to charge separation, all at ambient conditions.
Lecture: "Antennas for light"
Nanoplasmonics has gained interest due to its applications in sensing, field enhancement, light emission control, tweezing, colouring, metasurfaces, catalysis, etc…. While fully contained in the Maxwell’s equations, the many novel insights on nanoscale e.m.fields in parallel to the crucial advances in nanofabrication make nanoplasmonics currently an active research field. In this lecture I will discuss the basics of nanoplasmonics, nanoparticles and nanoantennas. Based on conventional antenna research we will scale up to optical frequencies and encounter the effects of the plasma frequency, the inherent strong dispersion, the localized surface polaritons, the various plasmonic modes and associated radiation patterns. Based on metal optics we will scaled down to the nanoscale and encounter the near field, with its evanescent fields, surface plasmons, and nanoparticles with highly localized enhanced fields.
Seminar: "Single photon emitters and plasmonics"
Single photon sources play a key role in superresolution microscopy, quantum optics, etc. Ever since the first detection of a single atom in emission, the search for versatile and bright sources has yielded organic molecules, quantum dots, diamond NV-centres, 2D-material defects, sensitized lanthanides, etc. Here first, I will discuss and compare the photon statistics, quantum jumps, blinking, antibunching, on/off statistics and lifetimes of the single photon emitters. Next, I will discuss the potential of the localized fields around nanoplasmonic particles to enhance excitation/emission and control the timing and direction of the emitted single photons.
All day
Place: CFATA. Querétaro, Mexico
Niek van Hulst (ICFO)
Following study in Astronomy and Physics, I obtained my PhD (1986) in Molecular & Laser-Physics at University of Nijmegen (NL), on microwave-laser double resonance molecular-beam spectroscopy. After research in non-linear optics of organic materials, integrated optics, atomic force and near-field optical microscopy, since 1997 full Professor at MESA+ Institute for NanoTechnology, Univ. Twente (NL) with focus on single molecule detection and scanning probe technology. In 2005, attracted by the Catalan quality-based science policy, I started as ICREA Research Professor and senior group leader at ICFO - the Institute of Photonic Sciences, within The Barcelona Institute of Science & Technology; I was Head Academic Programs, now chair at ICFO NanoFabrication Laboratory. Recipient of 2003 Körber European Science Award, 2010 City of Barcelona Prize; 2017 European Physical Society Prize; ERC Advanced Grants in 2010, 2015 and 2021.
My current interest is to control light interaction at the nanometer scale. To this end, my group specializes on optical antennas, with nanoscale hot spots, and on coherent control schemes to command light on the "femto-nano" scale. We study individual molecules, quantum dots and single proteins, in strong interaction with nanoantenna-cavities and sub-10-fs pulses; controlling excitation-emission rates, direction, spectra, polarization, single photon character. We focus particularly on transport and coupling in single light-harvesting antenna complexes at native conditions, to unravel the efficiency and robustness of energy conversion in such natural molecular antennas.
Keynote Lecture: "Nature and photosynthesis: lessons for physicists"
The conversion of sunlight photons to electrons is the essence of the natural photosynthesis that powers life. Dedicated antennas funnel the sun’s energy towards reaction centres. Amazingly, nature reaches almost perfect photon-to-electron conversion efficiency, while it regulates down at high light level for protection and survival. We can learn of lot of the design of nature. However, how does nature dynamically re-organize the membrane architecture, its packing, order, diffusion, on light stress? Which pathways are taken to charge separation? What is the role of fluctuations, coherences, color and vibrations? Here I’ll present my attempts as a physicist to develop nanoscale ultrafast imaging tools, to visualize the dynamic light-response of the lightharvesting membrane architecture, the changes in packing density, the (dis)order, the diffusion, and the pathways to charge separation, all at ambient conditions.
Lecture: "Antennas for light"
Nanoplasmonics has gained interest due to its applications in sensing, field enhancement, light emission control, tweezing, colouring, metasurfaces, catalysis, etc…. While fully contained in the Maxwell’s equations, the many novel insights on nanoscale e.m.fields in parallel to the crucial advances in nanofabrication make nanoplasmonics currently an active research field. In this lecture I will discuss the basics of nanoplasmonics, nanoparticles and nanoantennas. Based on conventional antenna research we will scale up to optical frequencies and encounter the effects of the plasma frequency, the inherent strong dispersion, the localized surface polaritons, the various plasmonic modes and associated radiation patterns. Based on metal optics we will scaled down to the nanoscale and encounter the near field, with its evanescent fields, surface plasmons, and nanoparticles with highly localized enhanced fields.
Seminar: "Single photon emitters and plasmonics"
Single photon sources play a key role in superresolution microscopy, quantum optics, etc. Ever since the first detection of a single atom in emission, the search for versatile and bright sources has yielded organic molecules, quantum dots, diamond NV-centres, 2D-material defects, sensitized lanthanides, etc. Here first, I will discuss and compare the photon statistics, quantum jumps, blinking, antibunching, on/off statistics and lifetimes of the single photon emitters. Next, I will discuss the potential of the localized fields around nanoplasmonic particles to enhance excitation/emission and control the timing and direction of the emitted single photons.