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From March 18, 2024 to March 21, 2024

All day

Place: ICFO Auditorium

Soubhadra Maiti, QIA / Qutech, TU Delft

Title: "Requirements for Teleportation in an Intercity Network"


We investigate high-level parameter trade-offs in the requirements for performing quantum teleportation deterministically with an average fidelity exceeding the classical bound of 2/3 in an intercity network, composed of metropolitan-scale networks and a long-distance backbone. In particular, we examine the interplay between the coherence time of quantum memory, rate and fidelity at which entanglement can be generated. We do so for two different scenarios: one where the to-be-teleported state needs to be stored in memory until the required entanglement is established, and one where this is not the case. Using both simplified analytical models and an extensive simulation framework implemented using NetSquid, a discrete-event simulator for quantum networks, and using baseline parameters based on the state-of-the-art networked ion traps and atomic-ensemble memories, we identify the requirements imposed on the metropolitan link by the long-distance setup to enable quantum teleportation. Our work sheds light on the trade-offs between different hardware improvements that could be made to realize quantum teleportation in deployed quantum networks.

Bio: Soubhadra Maiti is a PhD candidate in the Wehner group at QuTech, TU Delft. He is working on exploring the hardware requirements for a large-scale quantum internet associated with the blueprint project in QIA (Quantum Internet Alliance). Soubhadra is interested in quantum entanglement generation in networks, purification and quantum information. Previously, Soubhadra graduated from IISER Pune, India with a BS-MS degree in Physics.

From March 18, 2024 to March 21, 2024

All day

Place: ICFO Auditorium

Soubhadra Maiti, QIA / Qutech, TU Delft

Title: "Requirements for Teleportation in an Intercity Network"


We investigate high-level parameter trade-offs in the requirements for performing quantum teleportation deterministically with an average fidelity exceeding the classical bound of 2/3 in an intercity network, composed of metropolitan-scale networks and a long-distance backbone. In particular, we examine the interplay between the coherence time of quantum memory, rate and fidelity at which entanglement can be generated. We do so for two different scenarios: one where the to-be-teleported state needs to be stored in memory until the required entanglement is established, and one where this is not the case. Using both simplified analytical models and an extensive simulation framework implemented using NetSquid, a discrete-event simulator for quantum networks, and using baseline parameters based on the state-of-the-art networked ion traps and atomic-ensemble memories, we identify the requirements imposed on the metropolitan link by the long-distance setup to enable quantum teleportation. Our work sheds light on the trade-offs between different hardware improvements that could be made to realize quantum teleportation in deployed quantum networks.

Bio: Soubhadra Maiti is a PhD candidate in the Wehner group at QuTech, TU Delft. He is working on exploring the hardware requirements for a large-scale quantum internet associated with the blueprint project in QIA (Quantum Internet Alliance). Soubhadra is interested in quantum entanglement generation in networks, purification and quantum information. Previously, Soubhadra graduated from IISER Pune, India with a BS-MS degree in Physics.