All day
Place: ICFO Auditorium
Teodor Parella Dilme, ICFO
Title: "Reducing Entanglement with Physically-Inspired Fermion-To-Qubit Mappings"
In ab-initio electronic structure simulations, fermion-to-qubit mappings represent the initial encoding step of the fermionic problem into qubits. In this session, we will introduce how can we construct physically-inspired mappings that significantly simplify entanglement requirements when simulating states of interest. Ultimately, we will assess ground state simulation of small molecules to provide enhanced performance with respect to prior research employing conventional mappings, both in the frameworks of quantum computing and tensor networks.
Teodor Parella Dilmé holds a MSc in Quantum Science and Technology form Universitat de Barcelona. He is currently a PhD student in the quantum information theory group at the Institute of Photonic Sciences from Barcelona (ICFO), undertaking research in computational simulation of quantum chemistry.
All day
Place: ICFO Auditorium
Teodor Parella Dilme, ICFO
Title: "Reducing Entanglement with Physically-Inspired Fermion-To-Qubit Mappings"
In ab-initio electronic structure simulations, fermion-to-qubit mappings represent the initial encoding step of the fermionic problem into qubits. In this session, we will introduce how can we construct physically-inspired mappings that significantly simplify entanglement requirements when simulating states of interest. Ultimately, we will assess ground state simulation of small molecules to provide enhanced performance with respect to prior research employing conventional mappings, both in the frameworks of quantum computing and tensor networks.
Teodor Parella Dilmé holds a MSc in Quantum Science and Technology form Universitat de Barcelona. He is currently a PhD student in the quantum information theory group at the Institute of Photonic Sciences from Barcelona (ICFO), undertaking research in computational simulation of quantum chemistry.