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Insight Seminar
September 26, 2024
INSIGHT SEMINAR: Dynamics of complex systems through the prism of adiabatic transformations

Hour: From 15:00h to 16:00h

Place: Seminar Room

INSIGHT SEMINAR: Dynamics of complex systems through the prism of adiabatic transformations

Boston University, USA


Anatoli Polkovnikov got PhD in 2003 at Yale University under supervision of Prof. Subir Sachdev. He then was employed as a Postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University (2003-2005) and in 2005 he joined Boston University as a faculty member. His work is centered around theory of non-equilibrium quantum and more recently classical systems. In particular, he worked on various aspects of chaos, counter-diabatic driving, theory of Floquet systems, dynamical quantum phase transitions and phase space methods.


Adiabatic transformations show up in many areas of physics from semiclassical Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization to such topics as quantum geometry and construction of effective low energy models. In this talk I will discuss the definition and some basic properties of the Adiabatic Gauge Potential  (AGP)- the generator of such transformations both in quantum and classical Hamiltonian systems. In particular, I will highlight its connection to the low frequency noise. Then I will show how using the concept of the AGP allows one to systematically go beyond Born-Oppenheimer approximation naturally separating quantum and classical degrees of freedom. I will also discuss how one can use the notion of adiabatic complexity encoded in the quantum geometric tensor (norm of the AGP), to naturally define chaos, integrability and ergodicity both in quantum and classical systems. I will argue that integrable and ergodic/mixing regimes are generically separated by an intermediate KAM-like phase where the adiabatic complexity is maximal and which is characterized by very slow relaxation dynamics. In many-particle systems this phase is usually transient in the thermodynamic limit.

Hosted by Prof. Dr. Maciej Lewenstein
Insight Seminar
September 26, 2024
INSIGHT SEMINAR: Dynamics of complex systems through the prism of adiabatic transformations

Hour: From 15:00h to 16:00h

Place: Seminar Room

INSIGHT SEMINAR: Dynamics of complex systems through the prism of adiabatic transformations

Boston University, USA


Anatoli Polkovnikov got PhD in 2003 at Yale University under supervision of Prof. Subir Sachdev. He then was employed as a Postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University (2003-2005) and in 2005 he joined Boston University as a faculty member. His work is centered around theory of non-equilibrium quantum and more recently classical systems. In particular, he worked on various aspects of chaos, counter-diabatic driving, theory of Floquet systems, dynamical quantum phase transitions and phase space methods.


Adiabatic transformations show up in many areas of physics from semiclassical Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization to such topics as quantum geometry and construction of effective low energy models. In this talk I will discuss the definition and some basic properties of the Adiabatic Gauge Potential  (AGP)- the generator of such transformations both in quantum and classical Hamiltonian systems. In particular, I will highlight its connection to the low frequency noise. Then I will show how using the concept of the AGP allows one to systematically go beyond Born-Oppenheimer approximation naturally separating quantum and classical degrees of freedom. I will also discuss how one can use the notion of adiabatic complexity encoded in the quantum geometric tensor (norm of the AGP), to naturally define chaos, integrability and ergodicity both in quantum and classical systems. I will argue that integrable and ergodic/mixing regimes are generically separated by an intermediate KAM-like phase where the adiabatic complexity is maximal and which is characterized by very slow relaxation dynamics. In many-particle systems this phase is usually transient in the thermodynamic limit.

Hosted by Prof. Dr. Maciej Lewenstein

All Insight Seminars