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Joint Projects

ICFO has a wide range of joint research projects currently running in collaboration with different types of corporations worldwide, including start-ups, small and medium-sized enterprises and large companies.

Joint projects include both public and privately funded research activities, contracted research, consultancy, and co-development or prototyping. Other explored possibilities are joint research labs, joint ventures, or personnel exchange program.

Examples of collaborative projects with industry​

Conversion of waste CO2 into valuable C2 chemicals

  • Saule
  • Vitsolc
  • Gemmate
  • Danish Board of Technology

Q-Networks: Entanglement Distribution for Quantum Networks 

  • Cellnex Telecom

Neuro-imaging device to understand brain damage in pediatrics.

  • Seenel Imaging
  • Hemophotonics S.L.
  • BioPixS

Renewable hydrogen storage in reduced graphene oxide

  • Graphenea
  • Hysytech
  • Gencell
  • Centro Ricerche FIAT