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Super resolution imaging

Super resolution imaging

In the SLN, we use two well-stablished super-resolution techniques to investigate cutting-edge questions in biology and other sciences.

Super-resolution microscopy enables the study of the spatial organization of molecules beyond the diffraction limit of light. In the SLN, we use two super-resolution techniques: STED (Stimulated Emission Depletion) microscopy and STORM (Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy). STED provides a lateral resolution of 20-30 nm by precisely controlling the fluorophore’s energy transitions between excited and relaxed states with a depletion laser. STORM uses photo-switchable fluorophores to temporally sperate the emitters in order to localize them accurately providing a lateral resolution of 20 nm. Both STED and STORM are powerful super-resolution techniques widely used to study cellular structures, protein clusters, DNA organization, etc. Moreover, both techniques are compatible with multicolor imaging, which enables studying multiple components simultaneously. In the SLN, we have three commercial STED setups (Leica TCS SP5 STED CW, Leica TCS SP8 FALCON and Abberior STED microscope) and one STORM commercial microscope (Nikon N-STORM). These microscopes provide the perfect platform to study cutting-edge research questions.