General Eligibility Requirements, Conditions and Selection Process

General Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible, all candidates for a PhD position at ICFO must have:
- An internationally recognized Master-equivalent degree. The degree must be completed by the start of your prospective PhD at ICFO, at the latest, and must be in a field of science and engineering related to the ICFO research activities. Degrees issued within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) must have an equivalent to 300 ECTS, out of which a minimum of 60 ECTS must have been obtained in postgraduate studies. Degrees issued outside EHEA must offer a level of training equivalent to an official Spanish master’s degree and qualify the holder for admission to doctoral studies in the country where it was issued. Please, if in doubt regarding your academic eligibility, contact us at
- An excellent academic record, previous research experience and a strong commitment for scientific research.
- A high working knowledge of English.
- Candidates who have already been awarded a PhD are not eligible to apply.
ICFO is an equal opportunity employer. Candidates are selected exclusively on merit and potential on the basis of submitted application material. No restrictions related to disabilities, citizenship or gender apply to ICFO positions. ICFO abides by the principles of openness, efficiency, transparency, supportiveness, and international comparability as stated in the European Charter for Researchers and the European Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
General conditions and structure for ICFO PhD positions:
PhD Fellowships at ICFO cover a 6-month Trainee Period and 4-year PhD Period, (or until the thesis defence if this occurs before the end of the 4-year PhD Period).
All ICFO fellowships include:
- Medical care coverage and work accident insurance through the Spanish Social Security system.
- Family allowance (available on request and after corresponding approval for people with family charges in the terms described in the corresponding policy).
Find more information about the general conditions and structure of the PhD positions at ICFO here.
All PhD Candidates must apply to a call through ICFO’s Job Opportunities website: ICFOjobs.
For further information of the specific conditions of the different fellowships, please see the open call on ICFOJobs Website.
An exhaustive description on work and life at ICFO and in Catalonia can be found here.

Selection Process
All candidates must apply to a call through the ICFOJobs Website. The Selection Process comprises the following steps:
1) Eligibility Check. Evaluation that candidates are eligible for admission into the PhD program, and that their application is complete.
2) Admissibility Check. Confirmation that candidates fulfil the minimum academic requirements for admission into the PhD program, and one or more research groups may be interested to host them.
3) Evaluation of candidate. The Selection committee will evaluate identified candidates.
Assessment is based on demonstrated achievement and potential, measured in terms of academic record, previous experience, and personal achievements. Academic excellence is a must. Pro-activity, participation in community activities, and capacity for team-work are also valued.
One or more ICFO research group should be willing to host the candidate.
4) Interviews. Outstanding candidates identified by the admissions committee will be invited to interview:
a) candidates will receive invitations for on-site interviews with an admissions committee.
b) in parallel, individual interviews with interested Group Leader(s) may be conducted.
5) Admissions. Admissions offers with a corresponding fellowship will be made to the successful candidates shortly after the interviews.
To be admitted into the program, candidates must pass the evaluation by the admissions committee following the interview in step 4a, and have an offer of acceptance into one or more host research groups with confirmed funding for the corresponding fellowship.
6) Appeals. A dedicated, external and independent Appeals Panel will be established to rule on the outcome of any appeal from applicants.
For complete information about the PhD Admissions process at ICFO, please see the open call on ICFOJobs Website.
Available Projects
Research groups are always searching for talented and motivated researchers interested to join their groups to work on a wide range of cutting-edge research projects.
- Consult research group pages where some specific projects of interest may be posted.
- Reach out to Group Leaders who are conducting research in your area of expertise to open a conversation about potential collaborations.