Prof. Dr. Gerasimos Konstantatos
Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto (CA)
Group Leader
ICREA Professor, ERC Consolidator Grant Award
+34 935534198
+34 935534197
+34 935534182
Dr. Rajesh Bera
PhD in Chemistry, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IN)
Research Fellow
+34 935534198 +34 935534197
+34 935542285
Dr. Vaibhav Gupta
PhD in Chemistry, Technische Universität Dresden (DE)
Research Fellow
+34 935534198 +34 935534197
+34 935542248
Dr. Debranjan Mandal
PhD in Physical & Materials Chemistry Division, CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory(IN)
Research Fellow
+34 935534198/ +34 935534197
+34 935534179
Dr. Lucheng Peng
PhD in Chemistry, Jilin University (CN)
Research Fellow
+34 935534198/ +34 935534197
+34 935534181
Dr. Mariona Dalmases
PhD in Nanoscience, University of Barcelona (ES)
Staff Researcher
+34 935534198 +34 935534197
+34 935534181
Dr. Manuela De Franco
PhD in Nanochemistry, Università degli Studi di Genova (IT)
Postdoctoral Researcher
+34 935534198 +34 935534197
+34 935542285
Dr. Taewan Kim
PhD in Chemical Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology (KR)
Postdoctoral Researcher
+34 935534198 +34 935534197
+34 935534181
Dr. Gaurav Kumar
PhD in Photonics, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (ES)
Postdoctoral Researcher
+34 935534198 / +34 935534197
+34 935534179
Dr. Jae Taek Oh
PhD in Chemistry, Hanyang University (KR)
Postdoctoral Researcher
+34 935534198 +34 935534197
+34 935534181
Dr. Carmelita Rodà
PhD in Physics, University of Ghent (BE)
Postdoctoral Researcher
+34 935534198 +34 935534197
+34 935542285
Hamed Dehghanpour Baruj
MSc in Material Science and Nanotechnology, Bilkent University (TR)
PhD Student
+34 935534198 +34 935534197
+34 935534181
Miguel Dosil García
MSc in Advanced Materials, Nanotechnology and Photonics, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (ES)
PhD Student
Agencia Estatal de Investigación Fellow
+34 935534198 +34 935534197
+34 935542248
Aditya Malla
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree EUROPHOTONICS, Aix-Marseille University (FR)
PhD Student
+34 935534198 +34 935534197
+34 935534166
Marta Martos Valverde
MSc in Engineering of Nanomaterials and Nanophysics, Aalborg University (DK)
PhD Student
+34 935534198 +34 935534197
+34 935534166
Mariia Shevchenko
MSc in Applied Math and Physics, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (RU)
PhD Student
+34 935534198 +34 935534197
+34 935534179
Goretti Torres Pérez
MSc in Multidisciplinary Research in Experimental Sciences, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (ES)
PhD Student
“la Caixa” Foundation Fellow
+34 935534028 +34 935534027 +34 935534198 +34 935534197
+34 935542285
Hao Wu
MSc in Physics, Soochow University (CN)
PhD Student
+34 935534198 +34 935534197
+34 935534166
Prof. Dr. Belen Albela
PhD in Inorganic Chemistry, Universitat de Barcelona (ES)
Visiting Professor
+34 935534198 +34 935534197
+34 935542248
Fiona Jean Beck, Postdoctoral researcher
María Bernechea, Research fellow
Yu Bi, Postdoctoral researcher
Ignasi Burgués Ceballos, Postdoctoral researcher
Yiming Cao, Postdoctoral researcher
Ariana Chouhan, PhD Student
Sotirios Christodoulou, Postdoctoral researcher
Francesco Di Stasio, Research fellow
Silke Diedenhofen, Postdoctoral researcher
Marinos Dimitropoulos, Visiting PhD student
Alberto Figueroba, Postdoctoral researcher
Francisco Pelayo García de Arquer, PhD student
Shuchi Gupta, Research engineer
Nengjie Huo, Postdoctoral researcher
Dominik Kufer, PhD student
Biswajit Kundu, Postdoctoral researcher
Gaurav Kumar, PhD student
Tania Lasanta, Research engineer
Shanti Maria Liga, PhD student
Helmut Mäckel, Research fellow
Beatriz Martín, Visiting scientist
Luis Martínez, PhD student
Agustín Mihi, Research fellow
Nichole Cates Miller, Postdoctoral researcher
Nosipho Moloto, Visiting scientist
Ivan Nikitskiy, PhD student
Katerina Nikolaidou, Postdoctoral researcher
Onur Özdemir, PhD student
Alexander Powell, Postdoctoral researcher
Santanu Pradhan, Postdoctoral researcher
HyunSoo Ra, Postdoctoral researcher
Iñigo Ramiro González, Postdoctoral researcher
Arup Kumar Rath, Postdoctoral researcher
Avijit Saha, Postdoctoral researcher
David Tan So, PhD student
Alexandros Stavrinadis, Research fellow
Nima Taghipour, PhD Student
Óscar Vázquez, Postdoctoral researcher
Jianjun Wang, Research engineer
Yongjie Wang, PhD student
Zhuoran Wang, Postdoctoral researcher
Guy Luke Whitworth, Postdoctoral researcher
Guillem Xercavins, Research engineer
Xiaojie Yang, Postdoctoral researcher
Yujue Yang, Visiting scientist
Liu Yang, Visiting PhD student