Publications Filter Date From To Author A. R. Barkhouse M. GrätzelA. AntanovichA. BaspinarA. BertranA. BlackA. C. Ferrari et al.A. CabotA. CentenoA. Esteban-MartinA. FiguerobaA. FischerA. FratalocchiA. G. Pattantyus-AbrahamA. G. ShulgaA. H. KhanA. K. RathA. L. RogachA. MaclachlanA. MallaA. MihiA. OnalA. OthonosA. Pesquera, A. ZurutuzaA. R. BarkhouseA. SahaA. ŞahinA. StavrinadisA. V. PrudnikauA. W. AchtsteinA. W. PowellA. WalshA.StavrinadisB. A. KorgelB. KunduB. Martín-GarcíaB. PaulilloB.KunduC. B. MurrayC. DoreC. GrahamC. LiC. LiuC. MaC. MagénC. Monasterio, S. Gupta, J. J. PiquerasC. N. SavoryC. PehlivanC. Q. XiaC. R. KaganC. RodáC. RoviraC. WangD. E. BakerD. J. MillironD. KuferD. LuoD. MandalD. ManiakiD. O. ScanlonD. ScanlonD. SoD. So, A. StavrinadisD. So,. G. KonstantatosD. SpiritoD. V. TalapinE. AlarousuE. H. SargentE. J. D. KlemE. KlemE. LaukhinaE. O. PolatE. PilichosE. PumaF. BoscheriniF. Di StasioF. D\'AcapitoF. d’AcapitoF. GattiF. H. L. KoppensF. IllasF. J. BeckF. KoppensF. LiF. P. García de ArquerF. P. García de Arquer, S. L. DiedenhofenF. Pelayo García de ArquerF. ViñesF. WangF. YangG KonstantatosG. KonstantatosG. BauhuisG. BurwellG. DashG. H. V. BertrandG. HerranzG. ItskosG. KonstantatosG. KonstantatosG. KonstantatosG. KumarG. L. WhitworthG. MercierG. NavickaiteG. VecchiG.KonstantatosG.Konstantatos,H. DehghanpourH. FangH. M. OliveiraH. N. KaleliH. Sargent (eds.)H. V. DemirH. WangH. YuI. Burgués-CeballosI. de MiguelI. HowardI. J. KramerI. MoreelsI. NikitskiyI. Nikitskiy, S. GoossensI. RaabeI. RamiroI. TorreI.Burgués-CeballosJ. WangJ. CliffordJ. F. SpechtJ. G. RivasJ. I. ClimenteJ. J. PiquerasJ. Kopula KesavanJ. LiJ. NelsonJ. OsmondJ. P. CondeJ. PlanellesJ. S. P. CresiJ. SchreierJ. T. OhJ. TangJ. VecianaJ. WangJ. WuJ. ZhengJ.-P. SzczepanickK. A. ElmestekawyK. LuK. NikolaidouK. TajimaL. ChenL. D. A. SiebbelesL. GaudreauL. HanL. LevinaL. LiangL. M. HerzL. MannaL. MartínezL. PengM GrätzelM. Antonietta LoiM. ArtemyevM. B. JohnstonM. BadioliM. BernecheaM. BouwensM. BrossardM. Corona CastroM. CreatoreM. DalmasesM. DosilM. Ebrahim-ZadehM. GrätzelM. GuM. HasanreisogluM. K. NazeeruddinM. MontagutM. PedrosaM. PratoM. RichterM. RighettoM. RouzièresM. V. KovalenkoM. Z. AkgulM. Z. AkgulM. Z.AkgulM.DosilMd. K. NazeeruddinN. C. MillerN. Cates Miller, G. XercavinsN. HuoN. OwschimikowN. TaghipourN. WeiO. F. MohammedO. KaratumO. ÖzdemirP. AndreakouP. CaoP. DechambenoitP. G. LagoudakisP. Guyot-SionnnestP. L. Hernandez-MartinezP. MazumderP. P. FreitasP. PapagiorgisP. ReissP. S. PerlepeP. ScardiP. WenR. A. ManiyaraR. BalamurR. BeraR. BresciaR. CléracR. DebnathR. KrahneR. PérezR. PfattnerR. QuidantR. ScottR. ViswanathaS. ChristodoulouS. A. HaqueS. AkhavanS. CardosoS. Chaitanya KumarS. ChristodoulouS. GoossensS. GuptaS. HiguchiS. HindsS. HooglandS. L. DiedenhofenS. LigaS. M. LigaS. MajjiS. MyrskogS. NizamogluS. P. PerlepesS. PradhanS. R. KavanaghS. ShiS. SweetnamS. T. PantelidesS. VincentS. ZhouT. DurduranT. GalanT. HyeonT. LasantaT. Lasanta, T. GalánT. WuU. WoggonV. ChuV. I. KlimovV. LaukhinV. LebedevV. PruneriV. Ramaiah-BadarlaV. SukhovatkinV. ZardettoW. GaoW. HeissW. J. ParakW. MaW. YuX. HanX. LingX. LiuX. TangX. WangX. ZhangY. BiY. BiY. CaoY. ChenY. LiY. RenY. WangY. WuY. XueY. YangY. ZhangZ. AkgulZ. HensZ. LiuZ. Wang[et al] Apply Cancel ResetRegular Papers Flexible large area SWIR colloidal quantum dot down converters based on scalable manufacturing processesS. Vincent, K. Nikolaidou, M. Dalmases, M. Dosil, A. Malla, Y. Wang, G. Konstantatos Adv Materials Technologies 2401960 (2025) Extended short‐wave infrared colloidal quantum dot lasers with nanosecond excitationG. L. Whitworth, C. Roda, M. Dalmases, N. Taghipour, M. Dosil, K. Nikolaidou, H. Dehghanpour, G. Konstantatos Adv. Mater 37, 2410207 (2024) Intraband exciton dynamics of n-doped silver selenide quantum dotsR. Bera, M.Dosil, G. Konstantatos Nano Lett. 24, 13919-13926 (2024) Post-deposition in-situ passivation of AgBiS2 nanocrystal inks for high-efficiency ultra-thin solar cellsJ. T. Oh, Y. Wang, C. Rodá, D. Mandal, G. Kumar, G. L. Whitworth, G. Konstantatos Energy Environ. Sci. 17, 8885-8892 (2024) Capacitive and efficient near-infrared stimulation of neurons via an ultrathin AgBiS2 nanocrystal layerR. Balamur, J. T. Oh, O. Karatum, Y. Wang, A. Onal, H. N. Kaleli, C. Pehlivan, A. Şahin, M. Hasanreisoglu, G. Konstantatos, S. Nizamoglu ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 23, 29610–29620 (2024) Insb/inp core–shell colloidal quantum dots for sensitive and fast short-wave infrared photodetectorsL. Peng, Y. Wang, Y. Ren, Z. Wang, P. Cao, G. Konstantatos ACS Nano 18, 5113–5121 (2024) Silver telluride colloidal quantum dot infrared photodetectors and image sensorsY. Wang, L. Peng, J. Schreier, Y. Bi, A. Black, A. Malla, S. Goossens, G. Konstantatos Nat. Photon. 18, 236-242 (2024) Mixed-cation vacancy-ordered perovskites (Cs2Ti1–xSnXX6; X = I or Br): low-temperature miscibility, additivity, and tunable stabilityS. M. Liga, S. R. Kavanagh, A. Walsh, D. O. Scanlon, G. Konstantatos J. Phys. Chem. C 127, 21399–21409 (2023) Ultrafast cascade charge transfer in multibandgap colloidal quantum dot solids enables threshold reduction for optical gain and stimulated emissionN. Taghipour, M. Dalmases, G. L. Whitworth, Y. Wang, G. Konstantatos Nano Lett. 23, 8637–8642 (2023) Cation‐disorder engineering promotes efficient charge‐carrier transport in AgBis2 nanocrystal filmsM. Righetto, Y. Wang, K. A. Elmestekawy, C. Q. Xia, M. B. Johnston, G. Konstantatos, L. M. Herz Adv. Mat. 2305009 (2023) Semitransparent image sensors for eye-tracking applicationsG. Mercier, E. O. Polat, S. Shi, S. Gupta, G. Konstantatos, S. Goossens, F. H. L. Koppens ACS Photonics 10, 2994–3000 (2023) Stabilization of environmentally-friendly Cs2TiBr6 perovskite nanocrystals with SnBr4S. M. Liga, Y. Wang, G. Konstantatos Chem. Commun. 59, 5567 (2023) Frenkel excitons in vacancy-ordered titanium halide perovskites (Cs2TiX6)S. R. Kavanagh, C. N. Savory, S. M. Liga, G. Konstantatos, A. Walsh, D. O. Scanlon J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 13, 10965-10975 (2022) Colloidal quantum dot infrared lasers featuring sub‐single‐exciton threshold and very high gainN. Taghipour, M. Dalmases, G. L. Whitworth, M. Dosil, A. Othonos, S. Christodoulou, S. M. Liga, G. Konstantatos Adv. Mat. 2022, 2207678 (2022) Engineering the polarization sensitivity in all‐2D photodetectors composed of semimetal mote 2 and semiconductor ws 2J. Wu, D. Luo, P. Wen, X. Han, C. Wang, H. Yu, W. Gao, X. Liu, G. Konstantatos, J. Li, N. Huo Adv. Opt. Mat. 10, 2201902 (2022) Ag‐refined kesterite in superstrate solar cell configuration with 9.7% power conversion efficiencyZ. Wang, Y. Wang, N. Taghipour, L. Peng, G. Konstantatos Adv. Funct. Mat. 32, 2205948 (2022) Colloidal quantum dot light emitting diodes at telecom wavelength with 18% quantum efficiency and over 1 mhz bandwidthS. Pradhan, M. Dalmases, N. Taghipour, B.Kundu, G. Konstantatos Adv. Sci. 9, 2200637 (2022) Environmentally friendly AgBiS2 nanocrystal inks for efficient solar cells employing green solvent processingY. Wang, L. Peng, Z. Wang, G. Konstantatos Adv. Ener. Mat. 12, 2200700 (2022) Ultra‐thin infrared optical gain medium and optically‐pumped stimulated emission in PbS colloidal quantum dot LEDsN. Taghipour, [et al] Adv. Funct. Mat. 32, 2200832 (2022) Mixed AgBiS2 nanocrystals for photovoltaics and photodetectorsI. Burgués-Ceballos, Y. Wang, G. Konstantatos Nanoscale 14, 4987 (2022) Cation disorder engineering yields AgBiS2 nanocrystals with enhanced optical absorption for efficient ultrathin solar cellsY. Wang, S. R. Kavanagh, I.Burgués-Ceballos, A. Walsh, D. Scanlon, G.Konstantatos Nat. Photon. 16, 235-241 (2022) Visible‐blind ZnMgO colloidal quantum dot downconverters expand silicon CMOS sensors spectral coverage into ultraviolet and enable UV-band discriminationA. Saha, G. Kumar, S. Pradhan, G. Dash, R. Viswanatha, G. Konstantatos Adv. Mat. 34, 2109498 (2022) Highly efficient, ultrathin, Cd-free kesterite solar cells in superstrate configuration enabled by band level tuning via Ag incorporationZ. Wang, Y. Wang, G. Konstantatos Nano Energy 94, 106898 (2021) Low-threshold, highly stable colloidal quantum dot short-wave infrared laser enabled by suppression of trap-assisted Auger recombinationN. Taghipour, G. L. Whitworth, A. Othonos, M. Dalmases, S. Pradhan, Y. Wang, G. Kumar, G. Konstantatos Adv. Mater. 34, 2107532 (2021) Solution-processed PbS quantum dot infrared laser with room-temperature tunable emission in the optical telecommunications windowG. L. Whitworth, M. Dalmases, N. Taghipour, G. Konstantatos Nature Photon. 15, 738-742 (2021) Hybrid 2D-QD MoS2–PbSe quantum dot broadband photodetectors with high-sensitivity and room-temperature operation at 2.5 µmB. Kundu, O. Özdemir, M. Dalmases, G. Kumar, G. Konstantatos Adv. Opt. Mater. 2021, 2101378 (2021) AgBiSe2 colloidal nanocrystals for use in solar cellsM. Z. Akgul, G. Konstantatos ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 4, 2887-2894 (2021) Highly transparent and conductive ito substrates for near infrared applicationsR. A. Maniyara, C. Graham, B. Paulillo, Y. Bi, Y. Chen, G. Herranz, D. E. Baker, P. Mazumder, G. Konstantatos, V. Pruneri APL Materials 9, 021121 (2021) Ag2ZnSnS4–ZnS core–shell colloidal quantum dots: a near-infrared luminescent material based on environmentally friendly elementsA. Saha, G. Konstantatos J. Mater. Chem. C 9, 5682-5688 (2020) Colloidal synthesis of lead-free Cs2TiBr6-xIx perovskite nanocrystalsS. M. Liga, G. KonstantatosJ. Mater. Chem. C 9, 11098-11103 (2021) Solid‐state thin‐film broadband short‐wave infrared light emittersS. Pradhan, M. Dalmases, G. Konstantatos Adv. Mater. 2020, 2003830 (2020) Single-exciton gain and stimulated emission across the infrared telecom band from robust heavily-doped PbS colloidal quantum dotsS. Christodoulou, I. Ramiro, A. Othonos, A. Figueroba, M. Dalmases, O. Ozdemir, S. Pradhan, G. Itskos, G. Konstantatos Nano Lett. 20, 5909–5915 (2020) Highly efficient, bright, and stable colloidal quantum dot short-wave infrared light?emitting diodesS. Pradhan, M. Dalmases, A. Baspinar, G. Konstantatos Adv. Funct. Mater. 30 (2020) Colloidal AgBiS2 nanocrystals with reduced recombination yield 6.4% power conversion efficiency in solution-processed solar cellsI. Burgués-Ceballos, Y. Wang, M. Z. Akgul, G. Konstantatos Nano Energy 75, 104961 (2020) Size and temperature dependent intraband optical properties of heavily n-doped PbS colloidal quantum dot solid-state filmsI. Ramiro, B. Kundu, M. Dalmases, O. Ozdemir, M. Pedrosa, G. Konstantatos ACS Nano 14, 6, 7161–7169 (2020) On-demand activation of photochromic nanoheaters for high color purity 3D printingA. W. Powell, A. Stavrinadis, S. Christodoulou, R. Quidant, G. Konstantatos Nano Lett. 20, 3485-3491 (2020) Low-cost RoHS compliant solution processed photovoltaics enabled by ambient condition synthesis of AgBiS2 nanocrystalsM. Z. Akgul, A. Figueroba, S. Pradhan, Y. Bi, G. Konstantatos ACS Photonics 7, 588-595 (2020) Cation disorder and local structural distortions in AgxBi1–xS2 nanoparticlesJ. Kopula Kesavan, F. d’Acapito, P. Scardi, A. Stavrinadis, M. Z. Akgul, I. Burgués-Ceballos, G. Konstantatos, F. Boscherini Nanomaterials 10, 316 (2020) Ag2ZnSnS4 nanocrystals expand the availability of RoHS compliant colloidal quantum dotsA. Saha, A. Figueroba, G. Konstantatos Chem. Mater. 32, 2148-2155 (2020) Mid- and long-wave infrared optoelectronics via intraband transitions in PbS colloidal quantum dotsI. Ramiro, O. Özdemir, S. Christodoulou, S. Gupta, M. Dalmases, I. Torre, G. Konstantatos Nano Lett. 20, 1003-1008 (2020) Room-temperature direct synthesis of semi-conductive PbS nanocrystal inks for optoelectronic applicationsY. Wang, Z. Liu, N. Huo, F. Li, M. Gu, X. Ling, Y. Zhang, K. Lu, L. Han, H. Fang, A. G. Shulga, Y. Xue, S. Zhou, F. Yang, X. Tang, J. Zheng, M. Antonietta Loi, G. Konstantatos, W. Ma Nature Commun. 10, 5136 (2019) High sensitivity hybrid PbS CQD-TMDC photodetectors up to 2 μmO. Özdemir, I. Ramiro, S. Gupta, G. Konstantatos ACS Photonics 6, 2381-2386 (2019) Flexible graphene photodetectors for wearable fitness monitoringE. O. Polat, G. Mercier, I. Nikitskiy, E. Puma, T. Galan, S. Gupta, M. Montagut, J. J. Piqueras, M. Bouwens, T. Durduran, G. Konstantatos, S. Goossens, F. Koppens Sci. Adv. 5, eaaw7846 (2019) Origin of the below-bandgap turn-on voltage in light-emitting diodes and the high VOC in solar cells comprising colloidal quantum dots withS. Pradhan, M. Dalmases, G. Konstantatos J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 10, 3029-3034 (2019) Engineering vacancies in Bi>SUB>2S3 yielding sub-bandgap photoresponse and highly sensitive short-wave infrared photodetectorsN. Huo, A. Figueroba, Y. Yang, S. Christodoulou, A. Stavrinadis, C. Magén, G. KonstantatosAdv. Opt. Mater. 7, 1900258 (2019) Solution processed infrared- and thermo- photovoltaics based on 0.7 eV bandgap PbS colloidal quantum dotsY. BI, A. Bertran, S. Gupta, I. Ramiro, S. Pradhan, S. Christodoulou, S. Majji, Z. Akgul, G. Konstantatos Nanoscale 0, (2017) High-efficiency colloidal quantum dot infrared light-emitting diodes via engineering at the supra-nanocrystalline levelS. Pradhan, F. Di Stasio, Y. Bi, S. Gupta, S. Christodoulou, A. Stavrinadis, G. Konstantatos Nature Nanotechnol. 14, 72-79 (2019) Current status and technological prospect of photodetectors based on two-dimensional materialsG. Konstantatos Nature Commun. 9, 5266 (2018) High-efficiency light-emitting diodes based on formamidinium lead bromide nanocrystals and solution processed transport layersF. Di Stasio, I. Ramiro, Y. Bi, S. Christodoulou, A. Stavrinadis, G. Konstantatos Chem. Mater. 30, 6231-6235 (2018) Reduction of moisture sensitivity of PbS quantum dot solar cells by incorporation of reduced graphene oxideB. Martín-García, Y. Bi, M. Prato, D. Spirito, R. Krahne, G. Konstantatos, I. Moreels Sol. Energy Mat. Sol. Cells 183, 1-7 (2018) 123