Publications Filter Date From To Author M. Ebrahim-Zadeh S C. KumarA .J. DebrayA AadhiA. A. ManiA. A. S.A. AadhiA. AdhiA. AgnesiA. ArjmandA. Chaitanya NA. D. SanchezA. Daniel SanchezA. EstebanA. Esteban MartinA. Esteban Martin1A. Esteban-MartinA. EstebanMartinA. FintisovaA. ForbesA. Gaydardzhiev, I. NikolovA. GhoshA. GruenA. GrünA. J. DebrayA. Jérôme DebrayA. K. KarA. KhorsandiA. MajchrowskiA. MansourA. PadhyeA. PeremansA. S. AshikA. S. HelmyA. SanchezA. SantanaA. ScariaA. SteinmannA. TyazhevA.D. SanchezA.Majchrowskiand M. Ebrahim-ZadehB. BoulangerB. J. BijlaniB. M. HolmesB. NandyB.K. NandyC. CanaliasC. F. O' DonnellC. F. O'DonnellC. F. O’DonnellC. K. SuddapalliC. KaushikC. O'DonnellC. O’DonnellC. PedersenC. PetridisC. R. HowleC. RoviraC. SilienD. BadikovD. C. HutchingsD. T. ReidE. KakudjiE. LaukhinaE. MichalskiE. Sanchez BautistaE. TonniF. RotermundF. LaurellF. NoackF. P. García de ArquerF. PirzioF. SilvaF. Silva,G. J. de ValcárcelG. K. SamantaG. K. SamantaG. K. SamanthaG. KonstantatosG. Kumar SamantaG. LeoG. MarchevG. PiccinnoG. PiccionnoG. R. FayazG. RealiG. ShevyrdyaevaG.K. SamantaH. BachimanchiH. GiessenH. IshizukiH. TermosH. YeI. BuchvarovI. NikolovI. SorokinaI. T. SorokinaI. V. KitykJ. BiegertJ. Biegert and M. Ebrahim-ZadehJ. C. CasalsJ. Canals CasalsJ. DebrayJ. HanJ. KrauthJ. S. AitchisonJ. SuraceJ. VecianaJ. W. WeiJ. WeiK. DeviK. MiyataK. MoutzourisK. Moutzouris.K. PetridisK. T. ZawilskiK. VodopyanovK. ZawilskiK.T. ZawilskiKavita DeviL. CarraL. MengL. TagliacozzoM. Ebrahim-ZadehM. Ebrahim-ZadehM. BaudischM. Ebrahim ZadehM. Ebrahim- ZadehM. Ebrahim-ZadehM. Ebrahim-ZadehM. Ebrahim-ZadehM. Ebrahim-ZadehM. GhotbiM. HermesM. JelínekM. MathewM. MathezM. V. JabirM. YanN. A. ChaitanyaN. Apurv ChaitanyaN. D. PsailaN. HendaouiN. PicquéN. ShepherdN. StoneO. ChalusO. KimmelmaO. KokabeeP. G. SchunemannP. G. SchunemannP. AbolghasemP. BatesP. DallocchioP. G. SchuneamannP. G. SchunemannP. J. RodrigoP. K. BatesP. N. TzankovP. SchunemannP. Tidemand-LichtenbergP. TzankovP.G. SchunemannR. DasR. GottiR. M. VerdaasdonkR. P. SinghR. PfattnerR. R. ThomsonS .Chaitanya KumarS ParsaS. Chaitanya KumarS. B. MirovS. BeenS. C. KumarS. C. KumarS. Chaintanya KumarS. Chaitanya KumarS. Chaitanya KumarS. CousinS. D. GuptaS. Dutta GuptaS. Ghavami SabouriS. HolznerS. J. BeecherS. J. SarkarS. J. WagnerS. JunaidS. MinardiS. ParsaS. PizzurroS. SanguinettiS. SheinaS. SinghS. SukeertS.Chaitanya KumarSan FranciscoSPIE Photonics WestSukeertT. IdeguchiT. PaolettaT. SteinleT. TairaT. W. HänschT.W. HänschU. ElejaldeU. YounisUSA (2019)V. BadikovV. BruyninckxV. KemlinV. KubečekV. KubečekV. KumarV. LaukhinV. LebedevV. P. PetrovV. PanyutinV. PasiskeviciusV. PetrovV. R. BadarlaV. Ramaiah BadarlaV. Ramaiah-BadarlaV. Ramaiah-BardarlaV. SharmaVarun SharmaZ. SunZ. Zhang Apply Cancel ResetRegular Papers Blue-pumped photorefractive optical transient detection with low-power femtosecond laser pulsesSukeert, S. C. Kumar, P. G. Schunemann, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh, A. Esteban-Martin Opt. Express 33, 6105-6120 (2025) Talbot effect based sensor measuring grating period change in subwavelength rangeS. J. Sarkar, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh, G. K. Samanta Sci Rep 14, 30872 (2024) Performance studies on group-velocity-matched femtosecond optical parametric generationS. Pizzurro, Sukeert, A. D. Sanchez, A. Esteban-Martín, R. Gotti, A. Agnesi, F. Pirzio, S. Chaitanya Kumar, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 41, E45-E51 (2024) CUDA-based focused Gaussian beams second-harmonic generation efficiency calculatorA.D. Sanchez, S. C. Kumar, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh Comput. Phys. Commun. 302, 109232 (2024) Harnessing nonlinear frequency upconversion of Talbot effect with flexible Talbot lengthsH. Bachimanchi, S. J. Sarkar, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh, G. K. Samanta Opt. Express 32, 15967 (2024) Mean-field equation for phase-modulated optical parametric oscillatorA. D. Sanchez, S. C. Kumar, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh Phys. Rev. Research 6, 013263 (2024) CUDA-based optical parametric oscillator simulatorA.D. Sanchez, S. Chaitanya Kumar, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh Comput. Phys. Commun. 294, 108910 (2024) Efficient femtosecond optical parametric generation in group-velocity-matched MgO:PPLN at 10 MHzSukeert, S. Pizzurro, A. Esteban-Martín, R. Gotti, L. Carrà, G. Piccinno, A. Agnesi, F. Pirzio, S. Chaitanya Kumar, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh Optics Letters 48, 6008-6011 (2023) Dynamically tunable broadband output coupling of optical oscillators based on non-cyclic geometric phase mirrorC. Kaushik, A. Aadhi, A. Ghosh, R. P. Singh, S. Dutta Gupta, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh, G. K. Samanta APL Photonics 8, 116110 (2023)Editors’ Choice; Cover page. Widely tunable room-temperature green-pumped continuous-wave optical parametric oscillator from the red to mid-infraredK. Devi, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 40, 1960 (2023) Up-converted photorefractive optical transient detection with femtosecond laser pulsesSukeert, S C. Kumar, P. G. Schunemann, G. J. de Valcárcel, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh, A. Esteban-Martín Opt Express 31, 16939-16951 (2023) Establishment of an electro-optical mixing design on a photonic soa-mzi using a differential modulation arrangementH. Termos, A. Mansour, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh Sensors 23, 4380 (2023) Yb-fiber-pumped high-average-power picosecond optical parametric oscillator tunable across 1.3−1.5 μmB. Nandy, S. Chaitanya Kumar, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh Opt. Express 30, 16340 (2022) Imaging inspired characterization of single photons carrying orbital angular momentumV. Kumar, V. Sharma, S. Singh, S. Chaitanya Kumar, A. Forbes, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh, G. K. Samanta AVS Quantum Sci. 4, 015001 (2022) Tunable, high-power, high-order optical vortex beam generation in the mid-infraredVarun Sharma, S. Chaitanya Kumar, G. K. Samanta, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh Opt. Express 30, 1195 (2022) Ultrashort pulse generation from continuous-wave driven degenerate optical parametric oscillatorsA. Daniel Sanchez, S. Chaitanya Kumar, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh IEEE J. Select. Topics Quantum Electron. 29, 5100308 (2022) Broadly tunable, intracavity injection-seeded, hybrid optical parametric oscillatorJ. Wei, S. Chaitanya Kumar, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh Opt. Lett. 46, 4502 (2021) Mid-infrared coherent sources and applications: introductionM. Ebrahim-Zadeh, A. S. Helmy, G. Leo, P. G. Schunemann J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 38, MIC1 (2021) Tunable vortex beam generation using an optical parametric oscillator with an antiresonant-ring interferometerV. Sharma, S. C. Kumar, G. K. Samanta, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh Opt. Lett. 46, 3235 (2021) High-power continuous-wave mid-infrared difference-frequency generation in the presence of thermal effectsS. Chaitanya Kumar, Sukeert, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 38, B14 (2021) High-power, continuous-wave, fiber-pumped difference-frequency-generation at 2.26 μmSukeert, S. C. Kumar, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett. 33, 627-630 (2021) Performance studies of high-average-power picosecond optical parametric generation and amplification in MgO:PPLN at 80MHzS. Chaitanya Kumar, B. Nandy, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh Opt. Express 28, 39189-39202 (2020) Green-pumped continuous-wave parametric oscillator based on fanout–grating MgO:PPLNSukeert, S. Chaitanya Kumar, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh Opt. Lett. 45, 6486-6489 (2020) Fiber-laser-pumped high-repetition-rate picosecond optical parametric generation and amplification in mgo:pplnB. Nandy, S. Chaitanya Kumar, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh Opt. Lett. 45, 6126 (2020) Phase-locked picosecond optical parametric oscillatorB. Nandy, S. Chaitanya Kumar, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh Opt. Lett. 45, 3981 (2020) Multi-structured-beam optical parametric oscillatorV. Sharma, S. C. Kumar, G. K. Samanta, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh Opt. Express 28, 21650 (2020) Widely tunable femtosecond soliton generation in a fiber-feedback optical parametric oscillatorC. F. O’Donnell, S. C. Kumar, T. Paoletta, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh Optica 7, 426 (2020) Green-pumped optical parametric oscillator based on fan-out grating periodically-poled MgO-doped congruent LiTaO3Sukeert, S. Chaitanya Kumar, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh Opt. Lett. 44, 5796 (2019) Tunable ultraviolet vortex source based on a continuous-wave optical parametric oscillatorV. Sharma, G. K. Samanta, S. Chaitanya Kumar, R. P. Singh, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh Opt. Lett. 44, 4694 (2019) Femtosecond optical parametric oscillator continuously tunable across 3.6–8μm based on orientation-patterned gallium phosphideC. F. O’Donnell, S. Chaitanya Kumar, P. G. Schunemann, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh Opt. Lett. 44, 4570 (2019) Yb-fiber-pumped, high-beam-quality, idler-resonant mid-infrared picosecond optical parametric oscillatorS. Parsa, S. C. Kumar, B. Nandy, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh Opt. Express 27, 25436 (2019) Widely tunable room-temperature continuous-wave optical parametric oscillator based on periodically-poled KTiOPO4K. Devi, A. Padhye, Sukeert, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh Opt. Express 27, 24093 (2019) Tunable vector-vortex beam optical parametric oscillatorV. Sharma, S. C. Kumar, A. Aadhi, H. Ye, G. K. Samanta, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh Sci. Rep. 9, 9578 (2019) Mid-infrared upconversion imaging using femtosecond pulsesA. A. S., C. F. O’Donnell, S. Chaitanya Kumar, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh, P. Tidemand-Lichtenberg, C. Pedersen Photon. Res. 7, 783 (2019) Video-rate, mid-infrared hyperspectral upconversion imagingS. Junaid, S. Chaitanya Kumar, M. Mathez, M. Hermes, N. Stone, N. Shepherd, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh, P. Tidemand-Lichtenberg, C. Pedersen Optica 6, 702 (2019) Highlighted in OSAHighlighted in OSA Top Downloads Enhancement of efficiency in femtosecond optical parametric oscillators using group-velocity-matching in long nonlinear crystalsC. F. O’Donnell, S. C. Kumar, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh APL Photonics 4, 050801 (2019) Invited paper SHG (532 nm)-induced spontaneous parametric downconversion noise in 1064-nm-pumped IR upconversion detectorsL. Meng, A. Padhye, C. Pedersen, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh, P. J. Rodrigo Opt. Lett. 44, 1670-1673 (2019) Tunable high-average-power optical parametric oscillators near 2μmB. Nandy, S. Chaitanya Kumar, J. Canals Casals, H. Ye, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 35, C57 (2018) Mid-infrared coherent sources and applications: introductionM. Ebrahim-Zadeh, G. Leo, I. Sorokina J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 35, MIC1 (2018) Orbital angular momentum exchange in a picosecond optical parametric oscillatorV. Sharma, S. Chaitanya Kumar, G. K. Samanta, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh Opt. Lett. 43, 3606 (2018) Singly-resonant pulsed optical parametric oscillator based on orientation-patterned gallium phosphideH. Ye, S. C. Kumar, J. Wei, P. G. Schunemann, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh Opt. Lett. 43, 2454 (2018) Multimilliwatt, tunable, continuous-wave, mid-infrared generation across 4.6–4.7um based on orientation-patterned gallium phosphideK. Devi, A. Padhye, P. G. Schunemann, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh Opt. Lett. 43, 2284 (2018) Yb-fiber-pumped mid-infrared picosecond optical parametric oscillator tunable across 6.2–6.7 µmS. C. Kumar, J. C. Casals, S. Parsa, K. T. Zawilski, P. G. Schunemann, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh Appl. Phys. B-Lasers Opt. 124, 100 (2018) Critically phase-matched Ti:sapphire-laser-pumped deep-infrared femtosecond optical parametric oscillator based on CdSiP2C. F. O’Donnell, S. C. Kumar, K. T. Zawilski, P. G. Schunemann, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh Opt. Lett. 43, 1507-1510 (2018) Single-stage Ti:sapphire-pumped deep-infrared optical parametric oscillator based on CdSiP2C. F. O'Donnell, S. C. Kumar, K. T. Zawilski, P. G. Schunemann, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 24, 1-9 (2018) Performance characterization of mid-infrared difference-frequency-generation in orientation-patterned gallium phosphideJ. Wei, S. C. Kumar, H. Ye, P. G. Schunemann, M. Ebrahim-ZadehOpt. Mater. Express 8, 555-567 (2018)Highlighted as an Editor s Pick Optical parametric generation in orientation-patterned gallium phosphideH. Ye, S. Chaitanya Kumar, J. Wei, P. G. Schunemann, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh Opt. Lett. 42, 3694-3697 (2017) High-repetition-rate, deep-infrared, picosecond optical parametric oscillator based on CdSiP2S. Chaitanya Kumar, K. T. Zawilski, P. G. Schunemann, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh Opt. Lett. 42, 3606-3609 (2017) Picosecond difference-frequency-generation in orientation-patterned gallium phosphideJ. C. Casals, S. Parsa, S. Chaitanya Kumar, K. Devi, P. G. Schunemann, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh Opt. Express 25, 19595-19602 (2017) Room-temperature, rapidly tunable, green-pumped continuous-wave optical parametric oscillatorK. Devi, M. Ebrahim-Zadeh Opt. Lett. 42, 2635-2638 (2017) 12345678910