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Ultracold Quantum Gases

Prof. Dr. Leticia Tarruell


Our group performs quantum simulations with ultracold quantum gases, using atoms to engineer novel forms of quantum matter and to solve problems that are hard to tackle by classical means.

In our research, we exploit atom-light interactions to engineer model quantum many-body systems in the laboratory. We use them to investigate long-standing problems relevant to different fields of physics, from condensed-matter to high-energy physics, and also create completely new forms of quantum matter. Thanks to the exquisite level of control that we have over our systems, we can precisely adjust the relevant ingredients of a problem to single out which ones are key, and probe its properties down to the single atom level. Our research lies at the interface between atomic physics, quantum optics, and many other areas of physics.

This group has opportunities for outstanding Masters students, PhD students and postdocs. For more information, please contact Prof. Leticia Tarruell directly. Information on application procedures can be found on the ICFO jobs website.


European Commission:
- ERC Consolidator GrantUnconventional superfluids in quantum gases with competing interactions (SuperComp) (2021-2026).
- Quantum Technologies Flagship: Programmable Atomic Large-Scale Quantum Simulation 2.1 (PASQuanS 2.1) (2023-2026).
- QuantERA: Next Generation Quantum Simulators: From Dynamical Gauge Fields to Lattice Gauge Theory (DYNAMITE) (2022-2025)
- H2020-FET OpenDisruptive Approaches to Atom-Light Interfaces (DAALI) (2020-2024).
- H2020-FET ProactiveQuantum simulations of insulators and conductors (2015-2019).

Agencia Estatal de Investigación:
- Coordinated Research ProjectsEngineering quantum many-body systems with light-dressed quantum gases (LIGAS) (2021-2024).
- Equipment projectsSistema láser para el enfriamiento y manipulación de átomos de estroncio ultra-fríos (2019-2020). Láser continuo de titanio zafiro para experimentos de átomos ultrafríos (2019-2020). Fuente atómica para la generación de un haz de átomos fríos de estroncio (2018-2020).
- Individual Research Projects: Quantum droplets in attractive Bose-Bose mixtures (QuDROP) (2018-2020).

Plan Español de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia/NextGenerationEU:
- Quantum Spain and Plan Complementario de Comunicaciones Cuánticas: Hardware and software for neutral atom quantum processors (2021-2025).

German Research Agency (DFG),
- Research Units: Artificial Gauge Fields and Interacting Topological Phases in Ultracold Atoms (2016-2023).

Fundación Ramón ArecesControlled ultracold atomic arrays: a new platform for quantum technologies (CODEC) (2019-2021).

AGAUR, Research Groups (SGR): 
- Quantum Engineering of light and matter, and Nonlinear Optical Phenomena (2022-2025)
- Ultracold Quantum Gases Research Group (2017-2021).


Meet the Ultracold Quantum Gases group
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