Publications Filter Date From To AuthorA. A. BakulinA. FakharuddinA. H. IpA. M. NajarianA. Morteza NajarianA. OzdenA. R. b. Mohd YusoffA. WalshB. ChenB. N. KhiarakB. ZhangC. JinC. LiuC. P. O’BrienC.‐T. DinhD. EcijaD. G. GeorgiadouD. SintonD. V. TalapinE. CortesE. H. SargentE. PastorF. DonatF. GaoF. P. de García de ArquerF. P. García de ArquerF. RenG. GaoG. LeeG. T. PapadakisG. T. S. T. da SilvaH. J. BolinkH. KimH. LiH. WangH. ZhangJ. ArbiolJ. Erick HuangJ. R. DurrantJ. R. Galán-MascarósJ. SislerJ. SuJ. WicksJ. YeJ. ZhouJoao M. PinaK. WangL. H. MascaroL. XiaM. BayerM. K. NazeeruddinM. PeydayeshM. SachsM. VafaieM. VasilopoulouN. LópezP. Van der MeerenP. WangPan XiaR. HuangR. K. MiaoR. MezzengaR. RamS. GiménezS. SelimS.BarjaT. JinV. GolovanovaV. GrangeV. I. KlimovW. ZhouX. LiX. WangXue WangY. ArakawaY. LiY. WenZ. LianZ. Liu[et al.][et al] Apply Cancel ResetRegular Papers Macro‐ and nano‐porous Ag electrodes enable selective and stable aqueous CO2 reductionB. N. Khiarak, G. T. S. T. da Silva, V. Grange, G. Gao, V. Golovanova, F. P. de García de Arquer, L. H. Mascaro, C.‐T. Dinh Small 2409669 (2024) Water-hydroxide trapping in cobalt tungstate for proton exchange membrane water electrolysisR. Ram, [et al.] Science 384, 1373-1380 (2024) The critical analysis of membranes toward sustainable and efficient vanadium redox flow batteriesJ. Ye, L. Xia, H. Li, F. P. García de Arquer, H. Wang Adv. Mater. 36, 2402090 (2024) Single-site iron-anchored amyloid hydrogels as catalytic platforms for alcohol detoxificationJ. Su, P. Wang, W. Zhou, M. Peydayesh, J. Zhou, T. Jin, F. Donat, C. Jin, L. Xia, K. Wang, F. Ren, P. Van der Meeren, F. P. García de Arquer, R. Mezzenga Nat. Nanotechnol. 19, 1168–1177 (2024) Complementary probes for the electrochemical interfaceE. Pastor, Z. Lian, L. Xia, D. Ecija, J. R. Galán-Mascarós, S.Barja, S. Giménez, J. Arbiol, N. López, F. P. García de Arquer Nat Rev Chem 8, 159-178 (2024) Sequential co‐passivation in inas colloidal quantum dot solids enables efficient near‐infrared photodetectorsPan Xia, [et al.] Advanced Materials 28, e2301842 (2023) Quantum-size-effect tuning enables narrowband ir photodetection with low sunlight interferenceJoao M. Pina, [et al] Nano Lett. 22, 6802-6807 (2022) Introducing brønsted acid sites to accelerate the bridging-oxygen-assisted deprotonation in acidic water oxidationY. Wen, C. Liu, R. Huang, H. Zhang, X. Li, F. P. García de Arquer, Z. Liu, Y. Li, B. Zhang Nat Commun 13, 4871 (2022) Sub-millimetre light detection and ranging using perovskitesA. Morteza Najarian, [et al] Nat Electron 5, 511-518 (2022) Advances in solution-processed near-infrared light-emitting diodesM. Vasilopoulou, A. Fakharuddin, F. P. García de Arquer, D. G. Georgiadou, H. Kim, A. R. b. Mohd Yusoff, F. Gao, M. K. Nazeeruddin, H. J. Bolink, E. H. Sargent Nature Photon. 15, 656-669 (2021) Semiconductor quantum dots: Technological progress and future challengesF. P. García de Arquer, D. V. Talapin, V. I. Klimov, Y. Arakawa, M. Bayer, E. H. Sargent Science 373, eaaz8541 (2021) Editorial Work Photonics for energy special issueE. Cortes, G. T. Papadakis, F. P. García de Arquer ACS Photonics 11, 1360-1361 (2024)