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STM on 2D quantum materials

Prof. Dr. Carmen Rubio-Verdú
Positions available in the following project


We focus on the study the correlated phases that emerge in two-dimensional systems by means of low-temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy (STM/STS).

Two-dimensional materials such as graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides are envisioned as ideal building blocks for material’s engineering with single-atomic-plane precision. Their layered structure enables exfoliation down to the monolayer limit and subsequent stacking and twisting to form heterostructures with novel properties that are absent in the individual layers. Recent progress in the field has demonstrated that the combination of the constituents is as relevant as the rotational angle between their atomic lattices for their performance. The first and probably most exciting example, where the twist angle leads to properties not known in the parent compound, is so-called magic-angle graphene. At different occupation of the bands, the properties range from a correlated insulator to a superconductor.

We use low-temperature (~350 mK) STM/STS to study the correlated phases that emerge in such two-dimensional and moiré systems. STM accesses atomic and electronic structures simultaneously through topography and local density of states mapping. With such powerful combinations of high spatial and energy resolution we would like, for example, to understand the mechanism behind the superconducting state in magic-angle graphene.

We are also interested in other two-dimensional systems with rich phase diagrams, such as rhombohedral graphene. Monolayer and twisted transition metal dichalcogenides also present fascinating phenomenology with Mott insulators, Wigner crystals or spin liquids as examples of some of the phases expected to arise.

Positions Available: This group has opportunities for outstanding Master students, Ph.D. students, and postdocs. Information on application procedures can be found on the ICFO jobs website. For more information, please contact Prof. Carmen Rubio-Verdú

Positions available in the following project
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