Research Stays

ICFO is actively engaged with the undergraduate community, aiming to enrich the educational experience of students enrolled in bachelors and masters programs at top universities worldwide by offering them access to our research infrastructure and expertise.
Bachelors and Masters students interested in completing a research stay or their thesis project at ICFO may find interesting opportunities within ICFO Research Groups. They are encouraged to contact group leaders directly with proposals for collaborations in line with the group’s research interests and available projects.
Alternatively they may apply for one of our Fellowship programs.
In addition to access to ICFO labs, students who carry out their thesis project or research stay at ICFO are exposed to the excitement and challenges posed by the variety of research topics active at ICFO. Students interested in continuing in science after their Master’s degrees often find that this introductory experience positively influences subsequent decisions and directions for their research career.
ICFO Research Groups
Fellowship programs for Masters and Undergraduate students