Master in Quantum Science and Technology

The master’s degree in Quantum Science and Technologies is the result of the coordinated effort of the Universitat de Barcelona, the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, ICFO, the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, the Institute of High Energy Physics and the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, providing access to 60+ cutting-edge theoretical and experimental research groups working on quantum sensing, communication, computing and simulation, fields aligned with major pillars of the European Quantum Flagship.
The program covers the core concepts of quantum science & technology, as well as practical tools and techniques. Engagement with industry is prominent, with high-tech companies actively participating in teaching, offering internships, seminars and a careers symposium. The program provides access to PhD programs at the participating institutes, and will advance the future careers of students interested in working in academia or industry in this exciting and fast-moving field.
This Master was founded in parallel with the establishment of the emerging community in quantum technologies, QuantumCat. It is one of the academic programs supported by the Catalonia Quantum Academy (CQA), a collaborative platform forming the educational pillar of the Quantica- Mediterranean Valley of Quantum Science and Technologies initiative of the Generalitat of Catalunya.

Link to Master in Quantum Science and Technologies