Master of Multidisciplinary Research
in Experimental Sciences

The Master of Multidisciplinary Research in Experimental Sciences is a joint academic program of the Department of Experimental and Health Sciences of thUPF (DCEXS, UPF) and the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST). This new program offers highly flexible and personalized hands-on research training in a multidisciplinary research environment. Fellowships are available for outstanding students.
In addition to the research training, the master’s will also develop talented scientists in professional skills such as scientific communication, project management, responsible research and innovation. Highlights of the course include monthly seminars with leading local and international scientists, and an intensive winter school offering lectures and hands on training in advanced experimental techniques.
ICFO offers students the possibility to undertake a 6 month-long major research project and Master Thesis, or a 10 week minor project, through one of the ICFO research groups. For detailed information visit the dedicated webpage of the program.

Link to BIST webpage for Master of Multidisciplinary Research in Experimental Sciences