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Nous ICFOnians

Dinou ICFOnians s’han unit als diferents grups de recerca, unitats i instal·lacions de l'ICFO durant el mes de juny.

July 03, 2024

En els anys des de la fundació de l'ICFO el 2002, l'institut ha evolucionat contínuament per abordar una àmplia gamma de reptes apassionants. Això ha estat possible gràcies a les contribucions d'un grup divers de dones i homes que han pujat a bord per a afegir les seves habilitats úniques als nous i actuals projectes de l’ICFO.

Al juny, nous ICFOnians es van incorporar o van prendre una nova posició a l'institut:

David Barroso joins ICFO’s Facilities unit as an internship student.


Julie Blon joins ICFO as a student in the Attoscience and Ultrafast Optics research group led by ICREA Prof. Dr. Jens Biegert.


Davide Candoli joins ICFO as a PhD student in the Macroscopic Quantum Optics Theory research group led by ICREA Prof. Dr. Oriol Romero-Isart.


Maria Cano takes a new position at ICFO as General Administrative Support to Management.


Samuel Cardoso joins ICFO’s Secretariat unit as an internship student.


Achraf El Ouaadouni Charkaoui joins ICFO’s IT unit as an internship student.


Martina Ibañez joins ICFO’s Human Resources unit as an internship student.


Maria Lopes joins ICFO as a Visiting PhD student in the Molecular Nanophotonics research group led by ICREA Prof. Dr. Niek van Hulst.


Andreas Meyer joins ICFO as a PhD student in the Ultracold Quantum Gases research group led by ICREA Prof. Dr. Leticia Tarruell.


Elena Olaiz joins ICFO’s IT unit as an internship student.


Lucia Perez joins ICFO’s Human Resources unit as an internship student.


Lucile Petronin joins ICFO as a student in the Attoscience and Ultrafast Optics research group led by ICREA Prof. Dr. Jens Biegert.


Andrés Ramírez Cordero joins ICFO as a student in the Medical Optics research group led by ICREA Prof. Dr. Turgut Durduran.


Sergi Ramiro joins ICFO’s Secretariat unit as an internship student.


Dr. Borja Requena takes a new position at ICFO as a Visiting Scientist in the Quantum Optics Theory research group led by ICREA Prof. Dr. Maciej Lewenstein.


Dr. Javier Rivera takes a new position at ICFO as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Quantum Optics Theory research group led by ICREA Prof. Dr. Maciej Lewenstein.


Wataru Senzaki joins ICFO as a student in the Optoelectronics research group led by ICREA Prof. Dr. Valerio Pruneri.


Alisa Tanaka joins ICFO as a PhD student in the SLN Lab led by Dr. Pablo Lazo.


Roxana Wedowski joins ICFO as a PhD student in the Ultracold Quantum Gases research group led by ICREA Prof. Dr. Leticia Tarruell.


David Barroso, Julie Blon
David Candoli, Maria Cano
Samuel Cardoso, Martina Ibañez
Andreas Meyer, Elena Olaiz
Lucia Perez, Lucile Petronin
Andres Ramirez, Sergi Ramiro
Borja Requena, Javier Rivera
Wataru Senzaki, Alisa Tanaka
Roxana Wedowski