Quside launches their first quantum randomness module
ICFO’s spin-off markets the FMC 400 for high-performance computing and data security applications.
Since spinning off from ICFO in 2017, Quside has been working toward the commercialization of high-performance quantum random number generators. After success with leading enterprises in the telecom, critical infrastructure, and banking sector, Quside is now releasing the FMC 400 Randomness Module.
The Quside™ FMC 400 has been designed specifically for high-performance FPGA-based systems. The technology is based on Quside’s proprietary phase-diffusion quantum random number generation technology. It provides 400 Mb/s of raw random numbers with state-of-the-art min-entropy bounds (above 90%). A standard FMC interface allows easy and versatile integration.
Over the last decade, this proprietary phase-diffusion randomness generation technology has been recognized to meet the requirements of the most demanding applications. The combination of high speed and unmatched signal quality have proven essential to customers and mark the FMC 400 as the most crypto-agile randomness module on the market.
Quside is also making available the Quside™ Randomness Metrology toolkit to customers. It provides on-device capabilities to derive min-entropy bounds, giving product developers access to a novel tool to validate the proper functioning of the quantum process on-the-fly.
The FMC 400 Randomness Module has already been tested by Quside’s partners over the last 18 months in the fields of enterprise security, telecom, banking, and supercomputing with remarkable performance.
"Quside is the only producer of high-rate, quantum randomness suitable for cryptographic key generation, the raw material at the very foundation of modern cryptography. Cybersecurity in the quantum computing age depends on the scalability of this essential technology – all others are scientifically dubious", says Denis Mandich of Qrypt Inc., a New York-based cybersecurity company.
With this new announcement, the Quside team is now making the technology commercially available to a larger customer base through Quside’s Partner’s Program, to help improve the performance and security in a wide variety of ICT applications, spanning from cloud security to Monte Carlo simulations.
The QusideTM FMC 400 is the company’s first step towards building a wide variety of fast and high-quality quantum randomness sources. With new technologies on the horizon, such as 5G and AI, the aim is to address the current and future global cybersecurity concerns and meet the market’s growing need - high-speed at the internet-scale.
About Quside: Quside builds quantum technologies for safer connectivity and more powerful computation. An ICFO spin-off company, Quside is commercializing innovative hardware solutions for all connected devices. Quside is part of the European Quantum Flagship, collaborating in this ambitious initiative as an industry partner of the quantum communication projects CiViQ and QRANGE.